Sunday, February 7, 2016

Essential Oil Shower Bombs

We have made shower bombs for when we are not feeling our best, a slight cold may be coming on, and a cough or just a refreshing scent for when taking a shower. Our theory is the simpler the process the better when making the shower bombs.

The essential oils that we use to make our homemade shower bombs are solely Young Living essential oils because of their Seed to Seal Process. Granted, I know that there are other companies that are out there. It is just our personal preference.  

Shower Bombs
1 cup of baking soda
1 Tablespoon of cornstarch
1/3 cup water
15 drops of your desired essential oil
Cupcake liners

Place the paper liners in cupcake pan. Mix the baking soda, cornstarch and water in a porcelain dish.  The mixture should be putty like. Fill the liners 1/2 full.  Let them sit and cure overnight OR bake at 350 F for 15 minutes and let cool.

After the discs have dried or cooled, add 15 drops of your essential oil to the top of the discs.  One thing that we have started to do is not to add the essential oils on top of the baking soda mixture until we know what we are wanting to use them for. That way we do not have multiple containers in our home but one, and then can customize to what we are needing to use them for.

Store in a sealed container with the liners wrapped around the mixture. When you use the shower bombs peel the paper liner off of the baking soda mixture, and place at the bottom of the shower where they will dissolve after time.

There are several essential oils for your shower bombs that you can use. Below are a few ideas for you: 

  1. Orange Essential Oi
  2. Eucalyptus Essential Oil
  3. Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil
  4. Lemongrass Essential Oil
  5.  Eucalyptus/Peppermint/Lemon Essential Oils (this is a combination of oils put together)
  6. Orange/Lime Essential Oils (this is a combination of oils put together)
  7. Peppermint Essential Oil
  8. Lemon Essential Oil

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