Tutorials + Patterns

Tutorials + Patterns is a developing section that we just started. It will be an area where you can download patterns, tutorials, etc.

Be sure to check back on a regular basis, sign up via email or your reader to receive updates that will be added on a regular basis.

Cross Stitch Patterns
A Latte Love
Gala Apple Delight

Essential Oils

Coconut Lotion Bars with Essential Oils
Essential Oils Shower Bombs
Peppermint Mocha
Refreshing Citrus Infused Water


Wet Felting

Children's Tutorials

Christmas: Bird Seed Ornaments
Christmas: Button Wreath Ornaments
Christmas: Multi-Colored Gems on Felt Snowflakes
Making Pillowcases
Ojos De Dios


Peppermint Mocha