Thursday, October 14, 2010

Weekly Adventures Around the World

I have made it a goal of mine that each week in our home, we are going to be learning about a different country. Both of my daughters love to learn and it is so much fun to see them think, ask questions, think about it some more and ask more questions. 

During our travels, we have learned where France, Greece, Italy and now Spain are located on the globe. We have had a lot of fun doing different crafts from the country, playing games that kids around their age might enjoy, learning new words, looking at photographs of the countryside, what the countries different customs include, and of course one of our family favorites is making a meal together... that would typically be served either for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Through our travels, one of our favorite meals has been from France, where we imagined that we were eating at the Eiffel Tower, enjoying blueberry crêpes, listening to a french musician singing/playing music for us (we really did listen to music while we ate). It was quite an journey that we created, but it was a lot of fun.

We thought that you might enjoy the recipe that we used. I had not made crêpes in such a long time. It was actually a stroll down memory lane, in that I remember when my mom and other moms from preschool (and/or our neighbor Margaret) would get together and have lunch at the Magic Pan that was located in the Glendale Shopping Mall, in Indianapolis, many moons ago. I just loved their chicken (of couse savory) crêpes.


8 oz. cream cheese
8 oz. sour cream
1/4 c. sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/2 tsp. lemon peel

Mix all of the ingredient above and hold until ready.

Crêpe Batter:
1 1/2 c. milk
2 tbsp. vegetable oil
3 eggs
1 1/2 c. all-purpose flour
1 tbsp. sugar
1/8 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. lemon peel

Mix all of the batter ingredients. It may be used immediately or held in a covered container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

I learned two tips: (1) make sure that you slowly heat your crêpe pan. Crêpes do not like high heat; (2) be sure not to flip it too early. Wait until the surface of your crêpe is no longer shiny and the edges are starting to brown before you try and flip your crêpe. If you flip it too early it will tear, it tastes yummy but does not work when needing to roll your crêpe.

To assemble the crêpes, spoon the filling in center of the crepe. Fold the crêpe in half and roll. We placed blueberries on top.


  1. Can you make this too after the baby is born? Yum, yum!!!! Let's see the lapbook!

  2. yes...they were really good. Now I want to make the chicken crepes that were at the Magic Pan. I remember just loving them.
