Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Java Time!

I just love a good cup of java. The smell of it brewing in the morning just makes my senses perk, as the aroma spreads through our home and I get up earlier than everyone else to make lunches, get breakfast ready and plan my day (as much as I can).

There was a time when I dreamed of owning a coffee store in my hometown, but sometimes priorities in ones life sets in to help you make decisions that seemed so vivid. But my love of visiting coffee stores and trying new blends and roasts has not changed one bit, nor the accessories that can accompany you visiting coffee stores.

So needless to say, I even have my coffee clutch, coffee cozy, coffee koozie...hmmm...what do you really call it... in my purse ready for a good cup of 16 oz. java.

I wanted to share with you a glimpse of my Botticelli Coffee Clutch (named after one of my favorite blends of coffee). I also sewed a cute Sumatra clutch as well.


  1. Like you I love coffee and your coffee clutch is too cute. I've dreamed of owning a cafe/bookstore but life just hasn't put that in my path....at least I have my coffee.

  2. oooh a bookstore...that might be dangerous for me too. I think I would get lost in the craft/art area of the store OR at least have it close to the front desk!
