Friday, July 15, 2011

Caring for a Hibiscus Plant

For many years, I have wanted a hibiscus plant. I know it is a very simple desire isn’t? Have ogled over them every visit to our local nursery…or when visiting Florida have been in awe as they are planted everywhere along the gulf coast in a multitude of colors.

Earlier this summer, I came across a hibiscus plant that was calling my name. There was no information tag on it…did not know what color it would be, or even if I could nurture it back to the beauty I knew it should become. My daughters have even shared in the enjoyment with me as the days have gone by, and the discovery of the bloom color, and the ongoing bloom growth it creates.

But with this, I honestly did not know how much care or proper maintence was needed when brought home from the nursery. So we did a little research and found out the following, and thought you might enjoy learning as we did.

There are over 10,000 named varieties of hibiscus plants, with six different forms of flowers such as singles, doubles and crested all over the world. The modern hybrids are mostly in Florida, California, Hawaii, and Australia. Hibiscus plants prefer moderate heat and in order for them to continue blooming, they must have a few hours every day of direct sunshine. They do not like drafts (so make sure they are not next to a register).

In terms of watering the hibiscus plant does not like a constant moist soil, it tends to like the soil to be a little dry between the waterings, which otherwise if moist it might develop root rot.

The most common pest on a hibiscus plant are spider mites. The most effective way to get rid of these (as I am told) is showering the plant with lukewarm water at least once a week. There may be an occasional yellow leaf which could mean that leaf is older and not to worry. Or the plant could be stressed if there are more than two or three yellow leaves.

If you have a hibiscus plant we would love to know if you have any suggestions to keep the beauty of it alive and healthy.

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