Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Garden of Delight

For a second year in a row, we have been growing our herbs in containers on our deck and have left the garden for the tomatoes, green peppers and zucchini. The herbs have been growing in big wine barrels where we have parsley, basil, cilantro, chives, rosemary and thyme flourishing. And then all along the side of our home a huge patch of peppermint that has been part of a summer project of making handmade soap. As well as a few leaves here and there in our ice tea. The extreme weather conditions here in Indiana have been all over the board and it strongly reinforcees how important it is to water every day, especially in the morning, for the garden to prosper.

My daughters have been my #1 helpers this summer in taking care of the garden by weeding, watering and the best part of all picking the vegetables, or helping to cut herbs for our meals. There have been a few times where they accidently bumped a green tomato and it fell to the ground...no worries because I shared with them that we can have the tomato ripe in our sunroom window and enjoy the science of the tomato changing from green to red, and tracking to see how long it takes. My science gurus have not bulked at this idea because they are all over science experiments.

There is one herb in particular that we have been enjoying and that has been rosemary. We have baked several times an Infused Rosemary in Honey Pound Cake as a special treat.  

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