Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Carrot Cake

Many moons ago I was a Girl Scout, my mom was a co-leader and there were a group of girls where we got together on a regular basis for years. The wonderful thing was that we all were friends throughout elementary, middle and high school. As we went our separate ways to college, we all reconnected within the past year or so. Many memories were shared during our survival camp expeditions, selling cookies, raising money for group trips, learning CPR and oh so much more...I look back and just smile.

Now my daughter has been enjoying her first year of being a Girl Scout. There have been many changes of how the troops do activities, guidelines changing, new badges created...but the one thing that remains is the friendships that the girls form amongst themselves that are priceless.

In December, as my daughter and I were baking carrot cake for the Nutcracker Party that we were hosting...we were talking about various activities that my troop did over the years.

For the past two years, Petunia has danced with her ballet academy for the Nutcracker. Family that lives locally, as well as, traveling miles join us in the celebration of the season. After the ballet, everyone comes over to our home for the family festivities. The Nutcracker music plays in the background and handmade ornaments are given to everyone. We have made it a tradition where Petunia and Marigold make handmade ornaments for the Nutcracker Party.

This year one of the requests that my daughter asked was to make our family carrot cake recipe (really it is the recipe that I baked for a Girl Scout Jr. Bake Off). So as you can see...that is why Girl Scouts have been on my mind recently, as well as it being Girl Scout cookie time here in Indiana.

We wanted to share with you our favorite carrot cake recipe that we enjoy throughout the year!

Carrot Cake

Cake Recipe
2 cups flour
2 cups sugar
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons cinnamon
4 eggs
1 cup cooking oil
4 cups grated raw carrots
3/4 cups chopped walnuts

Preheat the over to 350F. Mix flour, sugar, baking soda, salt and cinnamon together. In a separate bowl, beat eggs until foamy. Slowly beat in the cooking oil. Add the flour mixture beating until smooth. Mix in the carrots and walnuts.

Pour the batter into three greased/floured 9-inch round cake pans.

Bake for doneness, roughly 25 minutes and allow to cook before decorating with frosting.

8 oz. cream cheese
3/4 cup chopped walnuts
1 stick butter
3 cups powder sugar
1 Tablespoon vanilla

Blend the cream cheese, butter, powder sugar and vanilla together. Frost between the cooled cake layers and on top. Depending on your frosting preferences, you can add the walnuts to the frosting when blending together, place the walnuts on top of the cake, or along the sides of the cake. Either way it will be just yummy.

Happy Baking!

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