Thursday, February 23, 2012

Two Girls with a BIG Heart

Back in September my oldest daughter contracted pneumonia and we had to stay at Riley Children’s Hospital for a week or so. As a 7 ½ year old, the hospital stay made a tremendous impact on her. It is scary for a child, as well as a lot coming at an adult. During our stay, we read, watched movies, visited the Family Life playroom, had special visitors (including a little sister who was so worried about her big sister), the two most gentle pet therapy dogs, and of course sleep and taking it easy.

While at the hospital, we met a special friend who lives about two hours north of our hometown. Despite having spent much of her young life in various surgeries and chemotherapies, she would knock on the door trim every chance she got, to see how Alex was doing. This little bit of sweetness has already gone through so much, but there she was, positive and genuinely concerned about Alex and the other children on the floor.

Since being out of the hospital Alex has reflected a lot about her experience at the hospital. My brave little girl realized that there are other kids and families who may be in a similar situation. We need to think positive, be thankful for what we have and to know that we are loved.

Alex and Sydney have always had such big hearts. With those big hearts we have started a family project called Petunia and Marigold. Petunia and Marigold are the girls’ favorite flowers. The goal of our family project is to help the children at Riley Children’s Hospital. If you would ask the spearheader of our family project, Alex, why? She will gladly share with you that she wants to do something nice in the appreciation for the way she was treated by the staff and especially her fellow patients.

We have opened an Etsy store called Petunia and Marigold. On the website, we will sell various handmade items. Each week, we will add new items, and all of the proceeds from these sales will go toward the purchase of books, coloring books, puzzles and activity items for Riley Children’s Hospital...for the kids to keep at all age levels!

Alex designed the banner of our family project storefront using markers and photographs from a
DK gardening book that the girls received from a family friend.


  1. This is an amazing Thing your girls are doing. And the legacy that is being created is priceless. Blessings, Tirzah

  2. They are truly enjoying helping to create something handmade and helping the kids. It is so much fun to see them think of different things they would like to make, write it down and plan how they are going to do it.

  3. What a neat ministry for your kids to be involved in.

  4. Such a great idea and what a great learning experience for the girls.

  5. This is a terrific project for the children. Good for you!

  6. This is so amazing! Such a good project and way of learning to help others :)

  7. Cute bookmarks! Lovely idea!

  8. What a sweet idea! That's wonderful!

  9. Very cool. How sweet they are!

  10. What an awesome way for your children to be able to give to others. It is never too early to start. Thank You for sharing this experience.

  11. Tell your girls I am now inspired to do something with my children near where we live. What big hearts they have! And I am so glad your daughter is well.

  12. Sweet idea. I favorited the shop. :) Blessings.

  13. I think it's awesome that you're children are so loving!! I hope they have great success.

  14. We love Riley! We've known many children who have been there.
    Also, the bookmarks are very cute!

  15. What an amazing idea and really special little girls.

  16. I'm so happy your daughter led your family to this. It's wonderful how the Lord can use anyone, even children, to do his work.

  17. How wonderful! What beautiful spirits you all have!

  18. Wow! That's precious. Kingdom work is being done in the heart of your sweet girl.

  19. This is lovely. We know families with similar experiences at Ronald McDonald House. How sweet your daughter was moved to do something positive to contribute.

  20. Children like that are the ones who will change the world. Such an inspiring story.

  21. What beautiful hearts! What a world we would live in if we all did things like this!

  22. Wanted to thank everyone for such kind words. This afternoon the girls and I went to the store and purchased some additional items to add to their collection to take to the family life area. We hope to make a new donation in October.
