Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Red Scarf Project

For the past few nights, I have been working on a special project while watching one of my favorite tv shows on Netflix...past episodes of 30Rock. I have a confession to make, I can not sit "idle" while watching tv or even a movie at home. I have to be doing something with my hands, it can be browsing through a cookbook, cross-stitching, felting, name it.

The special project has been knitting and participating in the Red Scarf Project, which is going on from September 1 - December 15.

Wanted to share with you a glimpse of one of the red scarves that I have been working, but also to encourage you to knit and join me in a knitting a red scarf. You do not need to knit four scarves but one in helping to make a difference.

From the photograph on the left, I am using the Provo Craft loom. It is a loom that has 18 pegs. For the scarves I am working on, I have "halfed" the number of pegs to be used just due to the width of the loom. I encourage you to visit the Red Scarf Project and knit scarves for foster care.

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