Thursday, March 28, 2013

Fun and Wacky Themed Days

Celebrating and having special themed days has become a fun monthly family tradition. Each day of the month we have a theme that can be a really wacky idea, a funny joke, a new craft and/or learn about a bit of history! We just mix it up a little.

Some of our ideas have come from a book that you can find at the library called Chase Calendar of Events. I learned of this book when I was planning local store events for McDonald's restaurants/owners. It is great source that shares ideas that you can build upon, as well as provide facts. Another source that I have enjoyed is via family education's calendar links. This website has all 12 months of the year laid out, in terms of special days that you can print off at home.
We do a combination of the two calendars, as well as our own "wacky fun" days. There are times that we know ahead, in terms of planning, that we can place that event on the calendar for the day. For example, we attended the play "Anne of Green Gables" that was performed by a local group of teenagers who participate in Wisdom Builders. It was a true example of a group of teenagers coming together to perform, where many, many hours of practice and rehearsals took place (what theater is all about). Our oldest daughter absolutely loved fact, she sat at end of her seat the entire time. But before we went to the play, we learned about classic ahead of time. We studied the characters, read parts of the book (with the book being read in school in two years) and just the all around history of the time period.

Now in terms of planning, I print out personalized calendars. I have created a Pinterest board for you that you can click on and see some favorite layouts. I would love for you to pins will be added. All the calendars can be downloaded and printed at home. You just need to handwrite the planning of the activities. One thing that we also do is rotate the design of the calendars, so that we have a different look/design each month.  

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