Monday, June 21, 2010

Dandelion Crowns How-to Article featured in Modern Handmade Child Online Magazine

It is a funny story, earlier this spring/summer, our backyard was filled with dandelions. They were everywhere, my daughters were having so much fun picking and putting them into childlike flower vases, cups, you name it. My husband gave us a great idea...why don't you make dandelion crowns. What a wonderful idea!

That Sunday afternoon while we were outside, we made dandelion crowns, and it inspired me to write a how-to article for the summer issue of Modern Handmade Child. It was a family effort. My husband's hands were the "model", I took the photographs and my older daughter modeled the final crown (our younger daughter was taking an ever so needed nap).

Be sure to check out the article in Modern Handmade Child ( it is on page 23-25. If you are not a subscriber of the magazine be sure to subscribe, it is free. 

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