Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Courageous Colors for The Gray Matters Foundation

I recently read an article from CardMaker Magazine that struck close to my heart about an organization called The Gray Matters Foundation.

CardMaker Magazine features an article each issue titled "Readers Reach Out". This is where readers are invited to submit their love of making handcrafted cards to various charitable organizations. It is a great way to spread the love of handmade and to help provide a little cheer for those who are needing a little love and words of encouragement.

The organization that is selected each month has a few specifics that the maker of the handmade cards needs to follow but it is well worth the time (I feel) to obied by these guidelines when participating in order to help the organization. And also CardMaker Magazine asks that readers indicate within their shipment to the organization, that they are participating in CardMaker Magazine's Readers Reach Out efforts. This helps both the organization and the magazine keep track of all card donations.

The March 2011 issue features The Gray Matters Foundation, a nonprofit organization created to support and empower brain-tumor patients and their loved ones through encouragement and personal outreach. The Gray Matters Foundation is a community of caring people, affectionately known as "brain buddies," who think that brain tumors stink! And I must agree with them 110%! I have had two friends and someone very dear and near to my heart, my grandma, who was affected by a brain tumor. My grandma passed aways 6 years ago, but she was diagnosed with a brain tumor behind her eye, shortly after retirement from being a school nurse for many many years in Southern Indiana. I can remember all the different doctors appointments, the final diagnoses, as well as the surgery and the healing that took place for the months following when they moved to our hometown.

So when I learned about Gray Matters I knew this was something that my daughters and I had to do. They love to make cards, as well as I do...and together we are going to be creating a variety of cards that the Gray Matters Foundation can use to help celebrate life!

If you are interested in participating in the creation of the Courageous Color cards, below please find the general guidelines that I found off CardMakers Magazine and The Gray Matters Foundation.

Gray Matters General Guidelines:
Gray Matters would like cards that are blank inside so they can be personalized and shared with patients and family. Envelopes are always appreciated. Cards of a cheerful, celebratory nature are encouraged; these are sent to patients after completing a treatment such as chemo. "Happy Anniversary" cards are appreciated, and are sent to celebrate every year a patient has beat his or her diagnosis. Cards containing sentiments such as "happy birthday," "thinking of you," and "thank you" are also needed to help spread the love. Card designs for all ages are very welcome, and don't forget the guys: masculine-themed cards are always needed.

The cards can be sent to the following address:
Gray Matters Foundation
5403 W. Poinsettia
Glendale, AZ 85304

Happy Crafting!

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