Sunday, March 6, 2011

Felted Heart Bookmark

The beginning of November 2010, our family decided to take on the handmade challenge. What does this mean? It means that we try to make or purchase handmade items at least once a month (our dream is little more). So far for our pledge, I think we are doing pretty good. It has exposed the girls to a new group of artists in Indiana, as well as around the world, and we have become more creative in our own creations within our home.

My six year old daughter made a special request. She would like to create something for when she reads, something that would keep her place when we were finished reading for the night...what was she wanting to create? You guessed it...a bookmark but a heart themed bookmark.

Looking in our craft "cabinet" (really a bookshelf in our studio) I tried to think of something alittle different for her in the creation of a bookmark...hmmm how about a felted heart bookmark. The idea was sealed, she was so excited.

At first I must admit, I was a little hesitant (in that I made the recommendation and she would be working with a felting needle), but in past projects she has done very well working with sewing pins and needles. I just explained to her that the felting needles were really sharp, as she felted her bookmark, she needed to go slow, move the needle up and down so that the two pieces of felt/fabric joined together, and to watch that she try not to get her own fingers pinched when working on the special project.

The heart bookmark turned out really adorable and she was so proud of herself as she accomplished a "big" girl art/craft project. Below please find our tutorial in felting a bookmark. 

Felted Heart Bookmark
Supplies that you will need:
  • Foam - what you would for a seat cushion.
  • Felt - 8 1/2 X 11 felt sheets. One felt sheet for the back of the bookmark and then different colors for the theme or shape that you are wanting.
  • Felting needle - you can find this at your local craft/hobby store, sometimes in the area of the stitchery aisle.
  • Scissors
First, cut the size of the back of the bookmark. We placed the 8 1/2 X 11 felted sheet horizontally and then cut upward for our final size.

Second, cut various sizes (or the same size) of hearts and lay them on top of the "back" of the bookmark. By back I mean what you are placing on top of the back layer of the bookmark.

Third, place the back of the bookmark on top of the foam piece and then fourth, lay the hearts on top.

Lastly, take your felting needle and begin felting. If you have not felted before you will then push the felting needle through the two pieces of felt and into your foam piece. Then bring your needle back up and repeat the process again. You will keep doing this until you see the two pieces of felt (the hearts and the back of the bookmark join together).


  1. Love the handmade challenge idea!

    The bookmark is adorable and I am certain will get lots of use!


  2. The handmade challenge has been a lot of fun. We made many of our Christmas presents for family this year due to our family challenge. And we have met several very talented artists along the way.
